I edited this article from a blog entry by Jesse Anderson.
It has long been known that when a customer is asked how soon he needs a shipment his most likely response is going to be to say in a firm voice, "as soon as possible." In fact, that has been said so often that the meaning of ASAP has changed to often mean, "as soon as we get around to it." Despite this cheapening of the meaning of ASAP, there sometimes is a shipment that really has to get there as soon as possible. This is where priority freight comes into the picture.
For most items, quick delivery is often handled by the post office, federal express or the like.
When the size of the item is a factor, Priority Freight Trucking becomes the only choice. It is size that eliminates many shipments from qualifying for the Postal or combination Air/truck services.
When the item is going to be sent by Priority Freight, there is still a limit to how quickly the delivery can made. The limitation is the distance that must be traveled. Regardless of how much care is taken to insure the shipment does receive priority treatment, the miles of road have to be traveled. This is the only limitation, however, that should be involved. When a shipment is declared priority freight, and the customer has paid for this service, every effort needs to be made to get it there as soon as possible.
One way the trucking industry has handled the demand for priority shipment is through the use of Priority Freight Brokers. A Priority Freight Broker specializes in matching loads with empty trucks. Their major advantage is that they are not restricted to only one fleet of trucks, and by tracking loads and movement of many major carriers; they can insure that the priority shipment is matched to the truck that is available at the earliest time. Trucks move over the highway 24/7 and this fact means that somewhere there should be a truck ready to take the priority load and begin its journey toward its destination. Any Priority mode of shipment regardless of carrier is going to cost more than routine delivery and this is another function of the Broker. They should be able to find you the combination of the best price and the quickest delivery.
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