A bid package is, as the name implies, a gathering of information that lets a shipper know a freight broker’s price for moving a load and other considerations. A large shipper will give you their bid package of forms to complete. You will be asked questions such as "what is your quoted RPM (rate per mile) to each state?" They’ll ask you all the information they need to be able to research you in comparison to other transportation companies that submit bid packages.
Large corporations such as GM, PepsiCo, Nabisco, 3M employ an internal traffic manager with a team responsible for getting their freight moved, on time and within budget. This traffic manager will be the one to supply you with the bid package.
There's no "standard" bid package. They vary, depending on what information the shipper desires in your bid.
Even though rates will be asked for, don't assume that rates will be the deciding factor. Relationships based on rates alone dissolve when the rate goes up. Pay attention to rates but pay more attention to superior customer service. Go above and beyond their expectations and you’ll make a customer for life.
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