The Amazingly Inspirational Zig.

In 1992 when my daughter Brooke was two years old - a real nice lady would ride her horse by our house all the time. She’d often stop and let the kids in the neighborhood pet her horse. After years of seeing her do this, I introduced myself to her and told her how thoughtful it was for her to interact with the children. We chatted. Guess who her dad is? Zig Ziglar. I raved to her about how much her dad impacted my life. Anyone who knows me knows that I love Zig Ziglar. I love to read his books, listen to his CD's in the car. Most of all I love to do his devotionals in the summer with my girls. Zig’s daughter was the one who told me about his weekly devotionals.

Brooke and I went to one of those devotionals. Mr. Ziglar happened to be there. He looked at my little girl and said "Brooke, I can promise you that I can do something that nobody else in the world can do''.

These were his first words he said when he came into the room. He went right over to Brooke, looked her square in the eye and said that and then asked do you want to know what I can do?

She excitedly asked,”WHAT?” He said stand up young lady and let me have a look at you. "You are a beautiful girl that is for sure". By this time the entire room was waiting and listening, he went on and told her he had never been wrong. WOW - I could not wait to hear what he had to say.

He gently put his hands on her shoulder and got to eye level and said "young lady I can spot a winner from a mile away and I know for sure you’re a winner".. You can imagine what that did for my precious little girl. False flattery is the worse thing you can give to someone. A sincere compliment is the best.

She was glowing. She knows that Zig's mission impacted my life. I dropped out of school at 15 and graduated college seven years later because I stopped the stinking thinking and to this day my passion comes from helping others. I believe that it was Mr. Ziglar's book, SEE YOU AT THE TOP, that helped me realize I could do anything I wanted if I just set goals and never quit. I also have some really amazing people in my life that have always supported me. Mrs. White, my best friend's mom made me go get a GED and helped me get into college. During college I took a class that was a school version of the "Born to Win" seminar that I highly endorse. (see )

My daughter Brooke and I went home that day and we shared our goals with one another. This was about 6 years ago. Then we wrote them down and decided to see who could reach their goals faster.
Tomorrow I will tell you about those goals and how it turned out.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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