Leaders solve problems others fear.

While talking today to one of my recent graduates I realized the extreme truth of this quote.

" Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try
to do nothing and succeed." Lloyd Jones.

The graduate’s name is Nat. He came to my training after attending another school. We talked on the phone after he sent one of his associates through our e-learning course. (see Gatlin education) He had these big plans to move defense department freight. I had never heard of anyone who has secured as much business as he so quickly. I was a bit skeptical at first until we met in class. I knew he was a leader because of his humble disposition.

I enjoy talking to Nat because he is a giver, a leader who gladly takes on projects others fear.
After talking to him today I realized that he does not set limits on what he can do, he has no fear, he welcomes challenges, his work is driven by faith not fear. This is a man that solves problems others fear. Leaders see challenges as stepping-stones, not roadblocks. He always says things like “we can do this”.

People like Nat who say “Yes” when everyone else says “maybe”, encourage me.


Jeff Roach - President
Brooke Transportation Training Solutions

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