Time is Far More Valuable Than Money

When a shipper has to have a truck, it is usually to keep their customer from being shut down. What does this mean? This is your opportunity to get in the door. Call them and tell them you specialize in expedited critical care freight services. Your rate has to be high to be able to find a truck when no one else can. Explain to your customer this is your niche during the building stage of the relationship. What are you building? Trust – that’s right. You build trust by doing what you say your going to do when you say your going to do it. Tell your prospect up front that your whole goal is to prove yourself trustworthy, communicate clearly and provide excellent service. You won’t be driving the truck. With man and machine things break but you can for sure communicate with the shipper. Most shippers want more than anything to have someone they can trust and someone who can deliver what they promised.

Your product is your ability to build trust and your ability to communicate the status of that load from pick up to delivery.

This is the best time to be a broker/agent because we live in a fast food world. Think about it. Everyone wants his or her needs met fast. If you can quickly find a truck when a shipper has a load left over, you’re going to make a customer for life.

We want our calls answered by a real human being.

We want our orders processed in lighting speed.

Complaints should be handled the first and fast.

Speed holds on to existing customers.

Knock yourself out showing how much you respect their time.

Customers hate waiting.

You can charge more if your faster!

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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