Various Used for Advertising

We have a love/hate relationship with advertising. We love the entertainment value (Geico Caveman). We hate how advertising tries to convince us to buy stuff we don't need. But selling is not the only reason to employ advertising. Advertising does sell…but there are many other uses for advertising.

Advertising can be used to educate customers about your services, build referrals, build an image for your brokerage and/or generate sales. In a world where skeptics abound and viruses run amuck, customers need to be convinced of your sincerity. Testimonials, referrals and good will efforts are a less direct ways to advertise your abilities. Prospects will be thankful for advertising that helps them make a more informed decision. They will feel more comfortable using the services of someone they have heard in a variety of ways. Consistency and frequency is the name of the game. Find an avenue that reaches your market and make a plan. As I said yesterday, a customer needs to hear of you 17 times before they will remember you.

All efforts should be monitored for effectiveness. Keep in mind that one type of promotion will help another by reinforcing your message. Every time a potential customer sees or hears your company name you are that much closer to being top of mind when they make a decision on whom to call with their next shipment.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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