As we built our web site I never really considered the world of people we would reach. Daryl Clark, our web consultant set up a measuring tool on our site that lets us know where our browsers live or from where they are browsing.
We’re gearing up for our July 23rd live class in Dallas and Jacksonville. The phone has been ringing with prospective students wanting to send us money to hold their spot (always a good thing). A lady from South Africa, yes South Africa is planning a trip over to take our course. Our course has been popular with immigrants from many nationalities but they have all been already living in the states. Our course is ideal for disabled veterans who want to train for a new career. Brooke Transportation Training is certified by the Texas Workforce and approved by the Department of Rehabilitative Services. Since freight brokering can be done anywhere with Internet access, a phone and a fax anyone with a disability that confines them to home can succeed in this industry. The scores of people I’ve met while teaching the course have blessed me. I’m so proud of them as they email me of their success after they’ve been doing the work for a while. Always looking for something new to learn is a key to contentment in this life. How are you expanding your brain today?
Moving forward
Jeff Roach
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