Why Bid High?

You really want to get a load, why on earth should you bid high? When quoting rates, you will learn quickly to build in a cushion - always estimate high. Bid at least 5-10% more than the job will actually cost. That way, when you present your final quote to the shipper, you can easily be lower than the price that you quoted. By doing this, you have also built in a safety net in case your estimate is off. Remember, things change from minute to minute in this industry. It is always better to present an actual bill that, at the very least, is less than the quote. If the actual cost is less than your estimate, be sure to charge your customer the lower amount. Keeping the difference is not as important as keeping your customer.

For example, I had a customer who needed an inbound rate from Georgia to Texas. I knew that my competitor's rate was $200 lower than mine. I also knew that I would be able to get the shipment moved whereas my competitor with the lower rates couldn't cover the freight. A low rate is worthless without service to back it up. I would much rather be a hero than a zero.

Moving forward,
Jeff Roach - President
Brooke Transportation Training Solutions

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