It’s free Friday at Brooke Training – a great day for all the students, a great day for my resource providers and a great day for me. At the end of each Freight Broker Training course week my students celebrate graduation by networking with their fellow graduates, established freight brokers who might offer them an agent position and freight broker service providers. I find great contentment in being with my students on this day and dreaming alongside them as to where they will take their newfound knowledge.
At the end of a week of training I am a bit drained, but a good drained. I’d say this was the best class we’ve ever had (but I tend to think that after every class).
So now I’m gearing down to enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Join us in taking the day off. We won’t be answering our phone until Tuesday. If you’re interested in a course follow the instructions on line. I’ll return any messages on Tuesday.
Labor Day was proclaimed a national holiday in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland to honor all working people. So if you work, take a moment to feel honored. The holiday is celebrated in Canada, Puerto Rico as well as the U.S. Enjoy your day off. Go golfing, tennis, shopping, or whatever makes you happy.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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