A Hard Lesson from my mentor Krish

Of all the advice I have been given over the years this may very well be the hardest one for me.

"Forgive those who hurt you while thanking them for the experience".

Krish Dhanam, Brooke guest speaker and mentor, says the unwritten part of this statement is that you do not thank the offender in person for the pain they have inflicted on you, you must thank them and forgive mentally. Unforgiveness does not hurt anybody but you because holding grudges fills you with bitterness. Forgiving gives freedom. Pain produces growth and maturity, for that we are thankful.

Forgiveness without gratitude is like a pen without ink. It is a good idea but actually worthless. God himself forgave us with grace and mercy for an eternity filled with promise.
Hans Selye, the great stress specialist, said gratitude is the most beneficial of all human emotions and anger and resentment the most destructive. Mahatma Gandhi said " an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.

These words came right out of Krish's book, The American Dream from an Indian Heart. I can tell you, I do not have this principle down yet. I am trying but not there yet. Thanks Krish for reminding me.

Funny thing about Krish - I have never left a meeting with him feeling bad. Whenever he comes and speaks to the Brooke Training class, all my students tell me the same thing.

thank you Krish! (krish@krishdhanam.com)

Moving forward,


Brooke Transportation Training Solutions

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