Pajama Education

One of the great things about online learning is the wardrobe. You can learn a whole new career in your pajamas. And you can pick a career that you can do in your pajamas, too!

As schools and colleges gear up for another semester reflect on what you’d like to learn about to expand your mind, learn new skills or change your career altogether. Today’s generation of students aren’t traditional in their approach to much of anything, including learning. If they can take a course using their computer at a beach, heck why not? Gatlin Education offers thousands of online courses through over 400 universities across the country and through my company At you can sign up for any course including the freight broker course.

Gatlin Online Education, the largest provider of online courses in America and Brooke Transportation Training developed the Freight Broker Course. The course is interactive, includes animation and you can call the teacher (that would be me) with questions. With Gatlin you can train with your computer and the Internet anywhere. As a freight broker you can earn an excellent living with your computer and the Internet.

To sign up for an online course, or online career training log onto or contact me. I find great joy in assisting other in finding the course or career that fits them. Traditional classroom learning was a challenge to me through my educational years. I understand and appreciate alternative approaches in education.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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