Blog break

I took a little vacation from blogging for various reasons but hope to get back to regularly sharing tips, questions from students and other stuff I find interesting. We’ve been busy calendaring our live freight broker classes for 2008. We will be having classes in some new locations. If you would like us to plan a class in your area, let me know. If I get enough interest, we’ll put one together.

Each new year brings new challenges, new blessings and new beginnings. Even though it’s only October I’ve been taking time to think through the new year as we schedule our courses. My favorite thing to do is teach. I find it important to continue freight brokering so I truly know of what I teach. I also have company administration tasks that nag me. I know I am blessed to have the luxury of setting my own schedule, of working anywhere and earning a good living without a lot of the stress of the corporate world.

Take some time yourself to reflect on where you are and where you want to be. A key to a great life is contentment where you are while you reach for more. Set some goals but enjoy the journey. Dream of a future but don’t waste today.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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