Positive Pump

I was thinking through the phrases that pump me up every day to do my best, one day at a time. Actions start with thinking. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. So fill your brain with thoughts of success on all levels. The result will be positive actions. Even the junk that comes into our life can become a positive.

You are a consultant for both the shipper and the carrier.

You are a winner!

No happy takers – only happy givers

Attitude is everything

Perseverance is a close second

Focus on progress not perfection

Choose Faith over Fear

Faith enables

Fear disables

Set goals for every area of your life. Write them down

Spiritual, Financial, Relationship, Family, Career Goals.

Do one thing every day to reach those Goals.

If you want to have Friends – be Friendly

Choose to be a winner, stay true to your values.

People do business with people with of Character-not
Characters!!! Be yourself. That is the way God made you
And you are perfectly made!

Walk, Run, Run Faster – you are the only one that can use your God given abilities. You have the same right to success as everyone else. Never let anyone else determine your future.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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