Sales Tips and Tricks

Need a few more tips to close out more sales? Could you use some motivational speak? Then sign up for one of our Super Sales Days.

The Thursday of our Freight Broker Training Course will be opened up to all sales professionals who want to learn and be motivated by the Top Gun sales professionals Jeff Ashcraft , Lance White and me, Jeff Roach. We each approach sales with our own style, befitting our unique personalities and professional experience.

The one day Super Sales Day will be held on the Thursday of the class date of the basic course every Month. Our beautiful auditorium has a back seating area ideal for additional students on that one day. So if you are in sales and need a day of motivation, and sales tips from seasoned guys with an entertaining style then join us. Freight Brokers will benefit greatly but the techniques are applicable to all sales fields.

I started my sales career selling door to door in my neighborhood as a kid. I just about always got the top sales award for selling whatever the school fund rasier was that year. I still use the same techniques, just honed a bit for my more sophisticated audience. Jeff Ashcraft works for one of the largest truckload Brokers in the nation. His career started as a car salesman. Lance background includes sales in the financial arena and business ownership.

First Super Salesday will be Thursday, January 24, 2008 in Dallas. To sign up, view our schedule or for questions go to our website or call 214-206-1169.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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