On Line Chat Question

We recently added online chat to our website. Browsers can easily text or call us with a question. Here’s a recent dialogue from our chat. I added some additional thoughts.

Question: Are you required to take training courses in order to actually start your freight broker business?

Our admissions director Lance answers:
No. You could start a brokerage business without any training whatsoever, but it would be tough to make any money.

Why is that?

That would just be my opinion. Anyone can start a business, but if you don't understand the business or have a business plan of some sort, failure would be likely. (Most business start-ups don’t make it past 5 years)

What does the (freight broker training) coarse teach you that you can't learn from the books?

Depends on what books. I am not saying you should take our course, but some type of training would be helpful. It is your decision.
We teach freight brokering and business start up essentials. We load our students up with lots of resources and networking opportunities as well as give motivation for success in life as well as business. I’d recommend researching all your training options and commit wholeheartedly to your choice. Browse our course description and compare it with other training options you are considering.

Consider your learning style. Are you a good book learner or do you retain more from an interactive format? Why does anyone take a course rather than just sit at the library and read?? Some businesses require licenses or degrees but most do not. A course requires you commit a good chunk of time to learning. Most of our graduates comment on getting more out of the course than they imagined. A course involves all aspects of learning: hearing, seeing, and doing. You gain accountability. You can ask questions of the instructor at anytime. Both our live course and our online course offer instructor interaction. Our advanced course is total immersion in interaction with the instructor/professional broker.

Training is not required but I believe it will give you the tools for success.

Moving forward,
Jeff Roach

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