You Gotta Get Authority

I’m often asked what is needed to practice as a freight broker.
1. You need to file for motor carrier and/or property broker authority. You do not need a lawyer or other type of professional to file for motor carrier and/or property broker authority. Simply get on the Federal Motor Carrier Administration’s website to get all the forms and instructions needed to file for authority. They accept questions by phone ((1-800-832-5660).

Don’t believe any expert who says they can speed up the process of getting your authority. The process speed is the same no matter who applies. You will be given a temporary MC number instantly. That MC number will become permanent and active after a 10-day waiting period once you have met the bond and BOC-3 requirements.

2. Training is extremely important. People who have been in the transportation industry for years will come to our broker-training course. They say they came in thinking they knew a lot. After the week of training at Brooke they are thankful for all the new information, contacts and business inspiration they gained. Students who’ve never been around the industry leave our school well qualified to succeed as a freight broker agent and the contacts to get started right away.
One and two day courses are available but I can’t imagine learning what you need in that short amount of time.
Investigate all the training schools. I have worked hard to make Brooke Transportation Training the best training available but don’t believe me. Investigate all the schools. Read testimonials. Ask around. Call the numbers on websites and talk to the instructors to see from who you feel you can best learn.
Brooke offers both live and online courses so you can choose your preferred method.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach (online course) (live course)

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