Forum Question

I have been in this business long enough to live through the high times and the low times.

Here’s a forum question relating to just that-

Are freight agent broker job opportunities growing or declining? Should I get training or can I jump right in?

No matter the state of the economy reliable, hard working freight brokers who treat their carriers right are in demand. We pay our top carriers net seven. They in return give us priority over the other brokers who don't pay on time.

The key to being a success in this business is your ability to build relationships with both the carrier and the shipper. Give them more than they are expecting and you will always have business.

If the carrier knows what your billing and the shippers know what you’re paying the carrier, then all is well.

Be sure and pay the Fuel Surcharge. Find the surcharge formula calculated and posted direct from the

As far as training goes. The military trains every day for their mission. Get a viable mission statement and get some kind of training towards meeting your goals.

"The only thing worse than training your staff and they leave is not training them and they stay". Zig Ziglar

This is not a simple business. If you want to stay out of the cash flow trap and if you plan on making a living get all the expert preparation you can.

Then it gets serious. I believe you never graduate from learning. Every top-notch company in the world spends 20% of their expenses on training.

Gotta go teach my class. Have a great day today...We have 10 very enthusiastic students. All will have personal introductions to the top vendors and top brokers in the industry. They will learn a proven process. The process takes pressure off the broker/agent.

All will have the knowledge and tools to create their own vision and mission for their business.

My mission is to educate and motivate the go givers and the go getters in life....

God Bless,

Jeff Roach

1 comment:

  1. The OOIDA talking point of the day. Well done.
