Learning and Confidence

Here are testimonials from our March classes in Dallas and Jacksonville. Thank you to Lance White, instructor in Dallas and Susie and Ron Moore, instructors in Jacksonville. Education not only teaches new skills it also imparts confidence. Good luck graduates and let us know how we can help you in your new venture.

Brooke Transportation Training has been the most amazing experience for me. I was cautious about spending money on something so new to me…especially after being laid off for five months. I am stepping out on faith and will be a success! Lance was a great instructor, breaking everything down to make it simple. The guest speakers and human resources are phenomenal. These genuine, good-hearted, real people have a true passion for the business. I am now jam packed with information, resources and contacts. I have been more than equipped for the task at hand. I am ready to go out and WOW the world. Selling is not a dirty word anymore. Vicki D Dallas, TX

As an owner-operator this class is the best investment I have ever made. The info is excellent not only for those desiring to be brokers or agents but also for owner-operators who would like to become carriers. This class opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of the industry. Julio E. Dallas, TX

This class gives you the necessary tools and information to start your own brokerage. Very knowledgeable instructors. I learned a lot more than I expected. Jamie R. Dallas, TX

Awesome class. Everything on the website is true. I feel confident about entering the industry. Tiwan O. (hope I got your name write, it was a little smudged) Dallas, TX

I came with a lot of questions. This course helped me organize my goals and see further than I imagined. Joel B. Dallas, TX

Very good class, very informative. Susie is a great instructor. I had trucking field knowledge but learned so much more. Timothy M. Jacksonville, FL

Had no previous experience in the brokerage business. I now have insight to move forward in this new career. William T. Jacksonville

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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