
A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. Proverbs 1:5 (NKJV)

In other words, you are one wise guy if you learn from others. I think we often think it shows weakness to seek others advice rather than figuring things out on our own. Tell the truth, when you get lost is it hard to stop and ask directions…and even harder to ask your spouse if they know how to get to wherever? Or do you gladly take advice from others? To take advice I have to first recognize I don’t know it all. In other words I have to swallow my pride and admit I could actually learn from another.

Have you ever been working through logistics with a co-worker or your spouse and you both think your method makes the most sense? So then you fight over which method to employ rather than realizing, it doesn’t really matter which way we do it, either way will get the job done. It is kinda crazy how much time can be wasted on how to do something when if one had just backed down, the job would have been completed already.

I have 3 main mentors that have helped me a lot in business, in spiritual struggle as well as life in general. I interviewed them and am in the process of trying to get the tapes into a written form so I can offer an ebook of some of the simple yet life transforming advice they gave me. I have benefited greatly from their wisdom and from reading a bit from Proverbs regularily. If you’ve never tapped into the wisdom of the book of Proverbs in the Bible you are missing out. It has 31 chapters, so you can get a chapter full of wisdom every day of the month.

Start this week out wise.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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