Internet Lead Generation

My name is Daryl Clark Jeff Roach the owner of this blog is a client and friend of mine. I'm the guest blogger today (thanks Jeff!).

My specialty is helping small and medium size businesses take advantage of the Internet as a lead generation tool. One of the questions I frequently receive is, “How do I compare my website traffic with my competitor’s traffic?” Until recently there weren’t many options available. Many people use but the problem with Alexa is their statistics come only from the people who have downloaded the Alexa Tool Bar and added it to their computer. This is a small sampling of Internet users so the data is highly questionable.

The next source I really like is The nice thing about is it also gives you an idea of what keywords people use to find your competitor’s websites.

The last and newest source is Google Trends for Websites. This new service from Google gives you a great picture of the long term traffic pattern of your site and your competitors but if you run a small business it doesn’t provide you with any data. I can say it is a great source for qualifying lead generation firms or firms that approach you to advertise in their websites though.

If you would like a free review of your websites true potential fill out my free evaluation form at

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Daryl Clark
Internet Search Marketing
Ph. 1-866-909-0839 or 1-951-303-0839
Fx. 1-951-303-2136

Daryl has helped me tremendously in this whole new world of internet marketing. It may not seem new to some of you youngsters, but in the scheme of things it is a revolution for the way we all do business. And the technology is always changing, improving and getting even faster.

Moving Forward,

Jeff Roach


  1. Hi Daryl Clark...
    Thanks you for sharing your thoughts regarding lead generation... It is very informative...
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