Thank a Veteran

Today, November 11 is the day set aside to honor our veterans. On church Sunday pastors across the nation recognized veterans and they received standing ovations. That is how it should be. I’m humbled to think of the scores of men and women who have put their lives on hold to defend freedom in far parts of the world. I googled Veterans day and found a site full of information on this day and other American traditions. Below find a few of the things the site explains. Learn about what has been done throughout our nation’s history to uphold our freedoms and help other countries enjoy those freedoms as well.

The Origins of Veterans Day -- World War I ended on November 11, 1918. On the same date three years later an unknown soldier from that war was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. November 11 eventually became the date when America honors all who have served the United States in war.

* The History of the Purple Heart Award -- It is one of the most recognized and respected medals awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces. Introduced as the “Badge of Military Merit” by General George Washington in 1782, the Purple Heart is also the nation's oldest military award.

* The Flower of Remembrance -- Learn how a simple red flower came to symbolize a perpetual tribute to those who have given their lives for the nation's freedom.

* The Story of Taps -- Based on a French signal to end the soldier's day, the melancholy bugle call now is also heard at military burials and memorial services.

* Arlington National Cemetery -- America's best known national cemetery still buries service members and some veterans.

* The United States Flag -- How "The Stars and Stripes" design has changed since 1776.

* The Pledge of Allegiance -- The words, and how they are delivered, have changed several times since 1892.

* "The Star-Spangled Banner" -- Francis Scott Key's poem and a British tune became the national anthem.

* "Old Glory" -- The story behind the affectionate name for the U.S. flag.

* The Origins of Flag Day -- The Continental Congress established the basic design of the U.S. flag on June 14, 1777, but many years passed before America officially observed National Flag Day.

• Guidelines for Display of the Flag -- Do's and Don'ts to correctly show respect for the national banner.

Don’t let this day end without thanking a vet for their sacrifice.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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