I just browsed through the list of courses offered through our elearning partner on our elearning website justintimefreight.com. The featured course is freight broker training because that is the course we wrote and facilitate but there are many more offerings. In 3 minutes I found 4 other courses I’d like to take. There is a course on small business, entrepreneurship, accounting, video game development, etc.. There are literally thousands of courses. There needs to be a course on how to choose a course. There is a test to see if elearning is for you. Go ahead take the test. What have you got to lose? Better yet think of all you have to learn. My kids often get frustrated in school because they have to learn stuff they think will never be of use in their life. I tell them no learning is a waste. It is exercise for the brain. The brain muscle is an important one to keep in shape.
Every month we have live freight broker training classes in Dallas, and California. What better way to start the new year than with new inspiration, a new career and a new networking group. And as the article stated in yesterday’s blog, the trucking industry is predicted to have a big comeback toward the end of the year. Get ready now.
As schools and colleges start another semester reflect on what you’d like to learn to expand your mind, learn new skills or change your career altogether. Today’s generation of students aren’t traditional in their approach to much of anything, including learning. If they can take a course using their computer at a beach, heck why not?
Our online partner is the largest provider of online courses in America. The courses are interactive, include animation and you can call the teacher (that would be me for Freight Brokering) with questions. Train with your computer and the Internet anywhere. As a freight broker you can earn an excellent living with your computer and the Internet.
To sign up for an online course, or online career training log onto Justintimefreight.com
Or contact me. I find great joy in assisting other in finding the course or career that fits them. Traditional classroom learning was a challenge to me through my educational years. I understand and appreciate alternative approaches in education.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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