Phone Call Content

If you are a carrier or a broker/agent you are always looking for shippers. To get shippers you make calls. Lots of calls. 50 a day is what I recommend to my rookies.

You need a sales script, right??? Anyone who knows me, knows I go crazy when a student asks for a script when calling shippers for the first time.

Imagine yourself at the end of a hard day…the phone rings …you’re hoping it is your fishing buddy. The black bass are hitting all over lake Travis, I'm thinking with a smile and then to my surprise it's a telemarketer.

We all hate to be bothered by these people who invade our space. How dare they? You see when you read a script you come across as a telemarketer. Then you start believing and acting like a telemarketer. Telemarketers are pests who are trying to sell us something we probably don’t want or need.

As a Freight Broker you are NOT a pest. You are offering a service the shipper vitally needs.

Be confidant knowing people buy from you because you have invested in education, you are a professional, you’re a giver, and you have a great attitude. Being NEW at the job can be a bonus. Tell the shipper you’re new and you want to help them solve their problems.

Get to the right person at the shipper firm and ask if it is an okay time to visit. If they say yes, ask them when's the last time you needed a truck and couldn't find one? Wait as long as possible. Silence is golden.

Listen to what the customer is telling you. Take notes and ask to go over the notes. Ask: What are the goals are of the shipper? Then purpose to help them reach those goals. Become part of the team.

It takes 7-9 touches before a customer makes a buying decision Do not quit after four. They say about 80% of sales people stop calling on a prospect after 4 times. Every sales book in America will tell you it takes 7-9 touches before a prospect will buy from you. What is a touch? A note in the mail, an email, a phone call, etc... Always include your contact information.

After you make a sale, bend over backwards giving more than you promised. Once the traffic manager trusts you because you did what you said when you said you were going to do it, you will get business.

You will get customer for life.

The customer chooses everything including when to buy, how much, and how often. The vendor they trust the most will be the one who gets the lion share of business. Rates are often talked about but in reality most shippers will pay more for out of this world service. Read Customers for Life by Carl Sewell.

The investment in time will pay off. Your goal is to make a customer, not a sale. I don't claim to be an expert on sales but I know for sure that if you treat the shipper the way you want to be treated - you will be a superstar sales pro.

I used to work for a great guy who owned a large trucking company. He’d say,” You will get a Gold Star on your forehead when you close a big account.” Funny thing I closed some whoppers and he never gave me those stars...He did give me an education and for that I will be always be grateful. You can’t replace education.
The more you earn, the more you learn.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach - President

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