How’d you like to take our online freight broker training course for free? The government has allotted money to each state for retraining through the Workforce Initiative Act of 1998 (the WIA). The WIA was a five year program started in 1998 and continued after the 2003 end date. To research qualification for this government program funding of your career education go to: Each state administers this program so each state has a unique system. So if you’d like to change career paths to become a freight broker or other career you may qualify.
I talked with a “student to be” this week and he is the one that told me about this program that is paying for him to take Brooke freight broker training class on line. I wrote his story in last week’s blog. He is in Virginia. When he was laid off his truck driving job recently, he went to the area Community college to see what courses they had to offer that might prepare him for a new adventure and make him some money. The Piedmont Community College counselor told him about the government grant money. He pursued, was accepted and will soon be taking our online course at no cost to him.
Since the program is a national program, anyone can do it. The time it takes to research the program could be well worth it. We are in partnership with Gatlin Education, the largest provider of online courses through colleges across the United States and through us. Our specialty is transportation training but we understand that might not be the career choice for everyone so we also offer all of Gaitlin’s courses through Click on the e learning center to browse courses and see what kind of financial aid you can obtain. (
My wife and business partner, Janis spent 2 years writing our online course and getting it distributed through Gatlin and all their education associations. We’d love for you to take our course. The online course gives you 6 months to complete. Our live course takes a week of intense learning. Both are excellent for both preparing a student to perform most any job in a freight brokerage. Both are inspirational. Our passion is to raise up professionals of integrity so we not only teach how to do the job but also how to work within the bounds of the highest level of character. I believe we should never stop learning. The brain is a muscle that needs to get a regular work out to stay in top shape.
Go out and learn something new today.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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