A Freight Broker’s Tips for Living

1. Stay out of trouble (always a challenge for me)
2. Aim for greater heights (got a big deal going right now I’ll be blogging about)
3. Stay focused on your job. (yikes I’m A.D.D.)
4. Exercise to maintain health
5. Practice teamwork
6. Rely on your trusted partner to watch your back. (that’d be my lovely wife)
7. Save for rainy days
8. Rest and relax (R&R)
9. Smile
10. Realize nothing is impossible

Here are a few stories to help with #9:
Just before the funeral services the undertaker came up to the elderly widow and asked, “how old was your husband? “98” she said, “two years older than me”. “So you are 96?” The undertaker queried. “Hardly worth going home, is it?” she replied.
Reporter interview a 104 year old woman asked, “What do you think is the best thing about 104?” She quickly replied, “no peer pressure.”

Moving forward,
Jeff Roach

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