Thanks Graduates

Here's what a few of our recent graduates from our Charlotte, North Carolina class had to say about their experience at Brooke Transportation Training Solutions:

Instruction here is straightforward and easy to comprehend. I like the personalized atmosphere, which made it possible to take the time to think of any questions or problems, that you want to have explained. Also this course includes motivational factors which leave you felling like you are ready to take on the competition and become successful in this field. Doug Reel

Prior to taking this class I had very little to no knowledge of trucking. I didn’t even know what a freight broker was or what they did. My eyes have been opened to a whole new world of logistics. I left the class very enthusiastic and armed with a wealth of information to get started. Ephriam Martin

The class was taught with a style that was easy to understand and follow. The content given was enlightening and very informal. I recommend this class to anyone who is interested in becoming a freight broker or freight agent, you will not be disappointed. Wayne Dawson

Very enlightening. Both the material and discussion helped to broaden my knowledge of the freight and transportation industry in the United States. Becoming a freight broker entrepreneur is no easy task and all the information one can collect will never be of any waste. Our co-coordinator was very knowledgeable and well prepared to give and answer all our questions. We all gained an extended family not just business education. Idonuagbe O Akugun

Thank you. I now understand the link between Shipper-Broker-Carrier. This will enable me to enhances my trucking business and get my brokerage business of and running with a great deal of confidence. The course is worth every penny and I would recommend this course to my associates. Ephriam Martin, Jr.

The class was great. Very informative and helpful. Thank you very much. Stephen Bird.

What a great group. thanks to the excellent teaching of Ron and Susie Moore!

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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