I am a Salesman

I sell freight brokerage services and I sell education. Both are services in high demand. After years of being in the transportation industry I had the idea to start a freight broker and freight broker agent training program. I had been very successful and wanted to pay it forward by teaching others how to be successful in this industry. Along the way I met Gatlin, the online education Guru. I first asked him if he would work with me to turn our live course into an online course to be marketed through his system. He said yes and we wrote the online course (actually my wife spent a year of her life writing the online version of our course). His courses are all marketed through universities across the country. I asked if I could have a website to market all his courses directly to interested students. He said yes again. Our online freight broker courses is one of his top sellers along with medical billing. Thus the birth of PajamaLearning.biz – the elearning center.

A few years ago Ed2Go bought Gatlin and built on their excellent system and reputation.

ed2go is the industry leader in online learning for adults. They provide the highest-quality online continuing education courses that are affordable and easy to use through a network of over 1,800 top colleges and universities and at Pajamalearning .biz.

The variety of courses is impressive. Some courses get you credit toward a higher degree and some (like mine) are direct career training. Anyone can take a course through pajama learning whether you are working on a degree, want a new career, want to learn something to further your career or you simply want to learn something new. Most courses are taught by the guy that wrote the course. The instructors are available for questions and discussion. I enjoy conversing with our students. Learners have the most creative minds. Learning is never wasted. Peruse our courses and see what you’d enjoy learning.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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