Slow Down

We live in a rushed world. Quickly learned is quickly forgotten. Learn to be a freight broker in a classroom in a week…or take your time learning on line. Sounds quick but the key is to taking the time to really internalize the teaching. We stick with our students way after the course to support them in the set up of their new venture. All our courses teach you all you need to know to be a freight broker but as in anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. And the sooner you start practicing what you learn the better you’ll succeed. It is like swimming. My niece is an incredible swimmer. One summer when she was about 7 I challenged her to a race across the pool. I thought, “I’m twice as long as this skinny little girl, I’ll beat her easily… yeah right, she beat me easily. Well she learned to swim in swimming lessons…but she became a champ on swim team by doing what she learned for hours every day and honing her strokes. Same with freight brokering. Learn how to do it in class then get out there, hone your skills and keep at it… you will succeed.

I see too many come into this wanting to find the short cut. I tell all my students to save 6 months worth of living expenses before you embark on this career. Give yourself time to build the business before you start making good money.

When you dig down into just about any “get rich story” you’ll find that the rich guy put in a lot of time finding his niche, building his empire and growing a support team before they found wealth.

I recently received an email from a student rushing through our online course. He didn’t think he was rushing but he was, he was anxious to become a broker. Here is my advice to him:

John (not his real name),

My goal is to get you working as a successful freight broker agent.

I will tell you the truth, based on my experiences both good and bad. I will do what is best for you. (You Are My Customer).

That's how you treat your customers. You have to find a way to give more than you take.

Before you can succeed you have to know all you can inside and out about this business. Have you memorized all of the procedures of accounts payable, claims, accounts receivable, collections, sales, advertising, computers and phone systems, carrier relations, dispatching, prospect development, IT, Home office, legal entities, and creative marketing? Do you know how to work in the information age?

My girls tell me Artist are the Smartest and Readers are Leaders. I agree. Slow Down.

To get you working with a company as a Freight Broker Agent, you have to know your stuff.

You, as my student, have to get after it or these big brokers will not recruit from me anymore. LOL. Memorize that course on-line and do your part my friend.

Keep at it for six months. You are going too fast. I have that same problem myself. I get going fast, I want quick turn around from every one and everything.

Go get em! This is going to be a good year. Anyone working with me, please realize I have refused to take part in the recession. We have a choice; I have chosen not to
participate with the economic crybabies. I choose to use my abilities. God says if he gives talents to you and you don't use them then shame on you. We all got em. I promise.

Believe me, If I can do this, so can you. I am a little crazy, have ADHD and didn't graduate from high school. I own an on-line school and a live school and a freight broker agency.... GO FIGURE?

I did graduate from Abilene Christian University a few years later. I am telling you it weren't easy, I kept taking the same old algebra class until I memorized it. It took four times. If I'm lying, I'm dying. That's how I met my bride, Janis. She was my beautiful tutor in college. No wonder it took me seven years to get out. She was a great tutor but her looks were a bit distracting. LOL

Anyway, you are going to be fine. I appreciate your awesome attitude. So will the brokers I introduce to you.

Between your experience and our course – you’re going to be great in this industry. You will also learn about dispatching, how to run the back office of a brokerage,
Claims management, Legal issues. I assure you we only allow the best brokers to recruit agents from Brooke Transportation Training courses. I swear to them that I am going to give them serious agents. So my job is to make sure each one of my customers/students are really ready to succeed, make me proud and be an incredible addition to the freight brokerages that bring them on board.

I’m an agent for a large trucking company myself. I know what it takes because I live it every day.

God Bless you and your family.

Best Regards,


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