Today is the day to remember all the brave men and women who have served our country. It is not always, or may never be a glamorous job.
I know, I haven't served but I have relatives who have served. My brother-in-law can sleep through anything because he spent years sleeping over the engine of his navy ship. He says it was warm even if it was a bit loud.
I have met many vets at our school since we are approved to train disabled vets to become freight brokers. They have a work ethic and discipline to be admired.
Remember much of their job is peace keeping. I tend to think military are Rambo types, waiting for a fight but I see in my brother-in-law a very kind, compassionate individual who is always ready to help.
Find a veteran today and thank him for what he did to serve our country. Pray for our armed forces.
Come to our class next week, you may be blessed to meet a vet learning a new craft.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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