Be a Business Starter

Perhaps one of the toughest things about starting your own business is being alone. So my suggestion? Don't do it alone. Get yourself a business partner and come to class together. You can learn our proven method together. Then work the process together. When one of you has a low motivation day, the other can encourage. You can divide up the tasks so you each use your strengths. I'm a great salesman. I love to call potential clients and strike up a conversation. My wife is an incredible administrator. She does follow up, invoicing and paying our bills. Both parts are imperative for a thriving business. Get the business...then do the work for the business. Big picture and details. Both gotta happen.

In the spirit of the season we are extending our 2 for 1 offer til the end of 2010. When 2010 is over so is our two for one. For each paid student, one can come along to any of our live courses. You don't have to attend a course by the end of the year...just pay for a class before the end of the year and bring a friend along.

There is a lot of freight out there needing to be moved. In other words, this is a great time to get into the freight industry. Get in on this great industry on the upswing. Become a freight broker, a freight broker agent or get hired on into a paid position as a dispatcher for a freight broker. Every Friday Freight Brokers come to our class and present career opportunities.

So hurry, take advantage of our 2 for 1 offer. Make 2011 the best year with new skill and a new career with incredible potential.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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