Learn to Earn

The transportation industry is complex. With all the new laws and the capacity issues, it is wise to get training. Lately I have been training a lot of owner operators. They tell me they save money and make more money on the road after the class because they have a better understanding of the industry. Our freight broker-training course teaches you how to be better in just about any aspect of the freight brokering business.

Being a freight broker is a sales-driven career. I’ve always been a salesman. God built that in me. I’m not quite fulfilled unless I’m selling something. But don’t think I’m on of those door-to-door types trying to get you to buy some overpriced, under-quality product. I sell knowledge and opportunity at an incredible price. $2500.00 is the price of my school. It's truly like getting a franchise for the price of the course, because after the course you are prepared to start your own business as an agent of a larger brokerage. Only the top brokers recruit from my school. They recruit brokers from Brooke because we train our graduates exactly how they need to be trained to be a success.

Sales are finding creative solutions for evolving challenges for both the shipper and the carrier. It's a B-to-B business and you better know what your doing or you will lose your shirt in this market. Plus the shippers and carriers respect people who invest in training.

The military trains everyday for a mission. Think about what it would be like if they didn't.

Do your research if you want to get into this industry, and then get some training. Our on-line course is offered through 2400 colleges plus our pajama learning website. www.justintimefreight.com. We have six locations with a live, instructed class. www.transportationtraining.com. For other training you can go to www.pajamalearning.biz and take over 5000 courses.

Now go book some freight......

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


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