Anybody can succeed when the economy is popping. When things are not spinning like a top, that is when the best shine. Lots of companies have had to make cutbacks. Who are the first to go? The under-performers of course, then the new hires and those close to retirement. Only a foolish CEO would let go of a top performer. When it is harder to land business that is when you need those who keep on working hard, moving forward with integrity and professionalism.
The same goes for freight brokers and carriers. Those who perform consistently, with integrity, succeed even in a down economy. So I’d say it is the best time for the best. The best time for professional, ethical brokers, carriers and training schools.
This business is complicated. Education is a key to success.
I’ve been talking with some of the brokers who hire agents from among the Brooke Transportation Training school graduates. They are doing great. Why? Because they are well trained. They understand the process of getting business and working that business so first time customers become customers for life. They’ve learned how to weather any economic climate. Don’t be afraid of being knocked down…just get back up.
I’m very proud of our graduates who get out and put to practice what they learned in our quick but effective training program.
As freight brokers, our job is to educate both the shipper and the carrier. Because of the rising cost of transportation we will have to raise rates or more trucking companies will go under. There is a huge shortage of carriers today. For every three loads there is one carrier to move that load. We have to work together in helping carriers stay afloat so we brokers can do the job of moving our customer’s freight. Carriers often come to our school and gain great knowledge of how to be a better carrier for brokers. They are taught to know if or when it is the right time to start their own brokerage.
Freight Brokering is consistently one of the top picks as a work from home opportunity with the most potential for great earning. The cost to get in is minimal compared to the cost of getting in most any other business. For way less than the cost of a franchise you can have your own freight brokerage. Most of our graduates start as an agent for a larger brokerage then may strike out on their own if they desire. It is very similar to being an insurance agent. Some stay under the State Farm name others become independent insurance agents.
It is a tough time for lazy brokers but a great time for ethical, hard-working brokers.
Professionals are developed through training and experience. We all have God given talents. We each chose to develop those talents or to loose those talents.
1. Attitude is everything
2. Perseverance is a close second
3. Focus on progress, not perfection
Enjoy this beautiful Spring Day!
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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