Hire Education


What is the practical purpose of getting an education?  To get hired.   The more education one has,  the better the job potential, or so we hope.  Because of the challenging economic times and the specialized training needed for many of the best jobs, education has had to adjust.  Because of the advancement of technology and its application in almost any industry, graduates of today need skills we hadn’t even heard of a decade ago.  More high school graduates attend college than in the past.  More then go on to additional education. 

Prior to the industrial revolution workers were trained by working along side someone in their field.  A cobbler would train a young boy how to fix shoes so then he could become a cobbler.  Fathers often trained sons.  Now education has progressed to offering an abundance of learning venues. 

I believe the best approach to education is a little of the old and a little of the new.  We teach freight broker wannabes the technology that help them find loads, find trucks and find potential customers.  We also give hands on training (like an apprenticeship).  Then on Friday of our week of intense learning Freight Brokerage come in, meet our students and offer job opportunities to work as agents in their companies. 

One of our former instructors, Drake Silver, now works in an incredible Brokerage and comes to our school on Friday to offer graduates positions at his firm.  He knows that someone trained at Brooke will be ready to perform well from day 1.  Positions offered our graduates come in a variety of “sizes”.  Some of the positions offered have great benefits attached, some are all commission, some hourly, some a combination of the commission and salary.  

Education is never wasted.  It can help you succeed in your current career, teach you a new career and inspire you to dream big.  Join us for training or give me a call anytime to discuss your dreams for a brighter tomorrow.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


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