Transportation Job Openings


I found a couple of articles reporting the trucking industry’s robust growth.  Read below for information on job needs.  Total Quality Logistics is offering a chance to win some serious cash in order to attract more job seekers.  I’ve posted parts of the article below. 

A fast-growing Southwest Ohio company will hold a hiring open house in March as part of its aggressive expansion plans. Total Quality Logistics said its goal is to hire 100 of the nation’s top salespeople.

Total Quality Logistics, a freight brokerage company based in Cincinnati, is holding a job fair to fill 50 entry-level sales positions in its Tampa office. But jobs are not the only thing on the line.
Attendees have a chance to win $60,632 — the average year's compensation of a salesperson who has been selling at TQL for two years — whether they get the job or not…  To win, an attendee must crack the six-digit code to unlock the vault. The opportunity will be available at all 18 job fair locations across the country.

After you find a job that fits you, come get some training from Brooke Transportation Training Solutions.  Take one of our classes or get customized coaching from me or one of our trainers. 

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I read your post and i like it. You really give your valuable information and link. Thank you for sharing................

    Transportation Jobs
