Give It Up

I really wish our nation could go back to the days when brother helped brother.  In the depression, my grandmother told me, the down and out would come to the backdoor for scraps.  My grandparents didn’t have much but they would give the leftovers from dinner.  Today I fear that too often we just let government take care of brother.  Here is an opportunity to help our hard working families in my community of North Texas who find themselves in a financial bind:

Get Up and Give 2013! 
North Texas Giving Day - September 19th

Communities Foundation of Texas

Wouldn't it be great if every time you made a deposit into your bank account, someone else matched a portion of it?   

On Thursday, September 19th, all of your donations to MakeAWay Charities will experience just that!

The process is simple:  Log on to between 7am and midnight, search for MakeAWay Charities and click on "Give Now".  Every donation of $25 or more will receive a portion of $1 million in bonus funds for MakeAWay Charities!
Help us spread the word by sharing our post on your Facebook newsfeed, so that all of your friends will know the POWER IN THIS ONE DAY!  Together we CAN make a difference on September 19th.  Thank you for helping hard-working families out of a financial crisis!
 Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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