New Opportunity

Our economy continues to change.  We are the land of opportunity because we have an incredibly creative and dedicated workforce.  Our ingenuity has made our country a leading nation.  When we stop learning and inventing we will loose part of our greatness. When we get lazy we lag behind. Sadly many reports say that America is lagging behind in several areas. We are the greatest nation, be a part of the solution to keep our country grand.  The more you learn the more knowledge you have.  Increased knowledge leads to new opportunities and fresh thinking.  Think about how many new technologies have birthed new industries just in your lifetime.  

In order to stay in the game we need to be continual learners.  I am proud to be a part of an online learning community as well as a traditional classroom.  Through Transportation Training you can learn to be a freight broker or freight broker agent live or online.  Through pajama learning you can take the freight broker course or any of thousands of other courses.  Our course is offered through 2700 universities in America.  $2500.00 is the price of my school and it's like getting a franchise for the price of the course.

Make learning a priority.  I have trained many owner-operators. They tell me they save money and make more money on the road after the class because they have a better understanding of the industry.  We are honored to train many veterans after they return from serving this great nation in the military.

With all the new laws and the capacity issues, it is wise to get training. We teach how to find creative solutions for evolving challenges for both the shipper and the carrier.

The shippers and carriers respect people who invest in training.

The military trains everyday for a mission. Think about what it would be like if they didn't.

The wealth of the future will be made by those who have the information people want and can get it to those people faster than the competition. Knowledge is power and the more you learn, the more you earn.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

1 comment:

  1. hey . It is also the most challenging thing a broker needs to do, once freight is found and the job won, the rest is quite simple.
