R U effected by Map -21?

I found a great synopsis of how Map -21 (Moving ahead for progress in the 21st Century) will impact our part of the transportation industry. I thought would be of great interest to my readers.  Click on the link to read the whole article by Adam Robinson.
The Effect of Map - 21 on Freight Brokers and Freight Forwarders 
Map-21 includes many important provisions intended to help the Federal  Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)  in its mission to reduce  crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. The FMCSA  does have its work cut out for them to educate on Map-21. Many of  the provisions in MAP-21 track the FMCSA’s strategic framework to improve  commercial motor vehicle safety by supporting three core principles:
  • Raise the bar to enter the industry and operate on our roads;  
  • Hold motor carrier and drivers to the highest safety standards to  continue operations; and  
  • Remove the highest risk drivers, vehicles, and carriers from our roads  and prevent them from operating.
So, in a nutshell, what does this mean to those in  the transportation industry? These are 8 impacts on your business and the  industry as a whole:

  1. Requires disclosure of family ownership of multiple transportation  companies: Carriers, brokers and freight forwarders must disclose any  familial relationships with owners of other transportation companies.  
  2. Includes a ban on “reincarnated” carriers. DOT can revoke  registration or authority of a “reincarnated” carrier or levy a fine. This  also applies to failure to disclose important facts.  
  3. Requires event-on-board-recorders (EOBRs) on all interstate commercial  motor vehicles (CMVs) within 2 years: The Department of Transportation (DOT)  will issue rules within a year, so that by 2014, CMVs will install an  “electronic logging device” to “improve compliance” with hours of service  (HOS).  
  4. Establishes a national driver registry: There will be a national  registry of drivers with CDLs, including driving history and drug and  alcohol test results.  
  5. Imposes minimum driver training standards: Within one year, the DOT will  establish national driver training standards for a commercial driver’s  license.  
  6. Creates a Unified Registration System (URS): All motor carriers, brokers  and freight forwarders must register, and carriers and brokers must register  with separate authority for each function.  
  7. Increases  the broker bond to $75,000 <http://cerasis.com/2013/01/10/freight-broker-surety-bond/> : Brokers are required to post a bond or other  financial security of at least $75,000, starting October 1, 2013. The  original version had a $100,000 minimum.  
  8. Imposes stricter regulation of bond and trust companies: More  transparency and fairness are required in the payment of claims by bond and  trust companies.
Hope that was informative.  If you have any questions or need some training give me a call.

Moving forward, 
Jeff Roach – President

Brooke  Transportation Training Solutions
Phone 214-206-1169
Fax   469-327-2712
www.brooketraining.com <http://www.brooketraining.com>
www.justintimefreight.com <http://www.justintimefreight.com>

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