Boost Your Earning

I have been a salesman for a long time.  Just ask my mom.  At four I was likely to barter off my play dough convincing my playmates that my blue dough built better snakes than theirs.  I'm one of those who could sell Popsicles to an Eskimo.  It comes natural to me.  But I recognize that even though selling and customer service come easy to me, I still need to keep learning.  I try to learn new ways to approach my job, my day, my life.  If we stop learning we start stagnating and that is just not a good look:). 

The greatest form of learning is teaching someone else what you know.  You must know your stuff in order to teach another.  I love training new freight brokers.  I love being a freight broker.  Every day I am out trying to serve the transportation industry.  I am continually learning new things to implement and to teach others.  I am a working freight broker always learning.  Be a student of your current customers so you can serve them more effectively.  Be a student of potential customers to learn where they could use your assistance.  I look at sales as a big learning fest.  I learn how to serve my customers and they learn to trust me with more. 

Go out and learn something new today.  Get your brain engaged.  Learn your way to a brighter tomorrow. 

Still moving,


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