Freight broker Certification

I’ve been in the transportation industry for 3 decades, working in almost all areas.  I’ve spent most of my career as a freight broker, a freight broker trainer and a coach.  I have found great success and been able to use my natural and learned skills.  Transportation is a dynamic industry, a critical element in our nation’s economy.  All products need some transportation.  So there is always a need for reliable, trustworthy freight brokers.  A freight broker matches companies who have products with carriers who can move those products.  A freight broker often helps carriers find a return load so they make money on both legs of their trip. 

I’ve been asked if there are different levels of broker certification (i.e., Master Broker, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Journeyman Broker)?

There is truly only one level of broker certification, Property Broker, commonly called a Freight Broker.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) does not recognize any other title than Property Broker.

I love my work as a freight broker and I love mentoring upstart freight brokers as well.  We teach a basic freight broker training course as well as an advanced course.  The advanced course adds more hands on opportunity for the student but not a higher certification.  I continue to consult with my students long after they finish either course.  I find much satisfaction in seeing my student find success as a freight broker. 

If you have an interest in learning more, we have live and online classes monthly listed on our website.  If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to contact me.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


  1. Freight brokers are definitely needed! Without freight brokers our economy would suffer because products would not be carried around the nation. There can be great success as a freight broker when you know what you are doing


  2. Is it pretty easy to get into freight brokering? It sounds like they make pretty good money and that there are lots of training courses. I think it would be hard for people that don't have people skills or have problems being on the phone though.
