Freight Brokers, Trained and Ready

Brooke Training's  top notched instructors once again trained a great group of professionals to be freight brokers.  Here's what the students said about their class experience:

"Great instructors, very fun and informational.  I would recommend this class to anyone.  It was nice having real brokers here and getting to hear what they had to say. 

I would love to come back for the advanced class." --Jacob Pratt

"I met a great group of new people who I believe and want to become new partners or collaborators in the Freight Logistics business in the future.   

 I gained in depth insight on the various nuances of Freight Broking and it was helpful.

Vinny’s class was on point and covered more than I expected regarding sales/brokering techniques." 
--Troy B.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect out of the class.  Twenty years of driving experience and I was ready for a change.  This class showed me a completely different point of view about the industry.  The class was very informative and the instructors were excellent.  I am leaving with a great understanding of the Broker-Agent side of the industry.  I would definitely recommend this course to anyone serious about brokering." --
Adams Banks

"Very informative.  I was beyond terrified upon starting this course.  Vinny is very knowledgeable about sales and the transportation business.  He held my attention and was very funny.  The course changed my whole outlook on the trucking business from both angles.  Tish is incredible and I loved the way she handled her business.

Overall this class was awesome!!!  Love on top of love all the positive things that I received here.  I can honestly say that I feel comfortable starting my own brokerage business."--
Dee Mayberry

"The experience in the class or with the Brooke team was amazing.  Instructor Vinny was the right person to teach the class.  His energy and knowledge of sales and the industry exceeded my expectations coming to this class.

Tish as well did an awesome job with showing us her business and giving a real live snapshot of how the business can be.  Overall if I had to rate this class, I would rate it a ten hands down.  I will be coming back to the class for continuing education.  Thanks for having me and look forward to future classes, and relationships.

                               Experience:  Live calls to customers

                               Cold calling to Manufactures

                               Speaking with A.L.M.E."

--A. Lewis Sr.

"The class was very informative.  The teacher, Mr. Vinny, was awesome and patient with his teaching.  I like that he used different methods, not just reading, but participation methods.  I also saw that having companies come in to tell us about their company and wanting to hire us was great and beneficial for everyone.   Meeting Tish, was awesome too, because we got a chance to see what she does on a daily basis and she seems to be very successful with what she does, and that encourages me."

-- Robin Monley

"Great class.  Great instructors.  Very informative for beginners and for those that have had some experience in the trucking industry.

I had a great time in the class.  I was able to see the other side of the trucking industry and at the same time I learned the mistakes I was making as a carrier.  I loved the fact that they put you in “Hot Water” completely taking you out of your comfort zone.  I believe that helped me understand, my first week, what I could improve and what my strengths were."--M.A.

"As a carrier Brooke Broker Training Solutions was an awesome experience.  The instructor and instructors were informative to the point that it gave me confidence to run my business.
Brooke Transportation Training Solutions was great.  I would recommend it to everyone needing their service.
"  --K. B.

"In the past week, I have experienced some important values and principals, not only in freight brokering; more so as an individual.  I would like to share that one of the more important tools of freight brokering is that I have received is building bridges (relationships, trust, stability) for long term purposes.   

In addition to receiving great understanding of freight brokering, I have to definitely say that I am leaving with something much more valuable than resource tools.  Thanks to the Brooke's staff:  Vinny, Tish, Bobby and the other speakers."  --Desmond Adams


"I would like to take the time to express my overwhelming sense of gratitude for the incredible abundance of knowledge shared by our instructors Vinny & Tish.  They went above and beyond to make sure the information being shared was thoroughly understood.  I will highly recommend BTTS to friends and family for years to come. 

I am extremely happy with my decision to attend BTTS.  I only wish I could have attended sooner.  Our instructor Vinny is by far, one of, if not the best freight broker instructor in America!  I look forward to a long lasting relationship with BTTS.  Thank you Jeff & Janis for your vision in starting BTTS.  God Bless You!" -- Jessie Garcia, Jr.

So if you want to be encouraged, make friends, learn great freight brokering skills and have a week to spare, come join us for our next class.  Class schedule is on our website:

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

1 comment:

  1. for those that are becoming freight brokers, it is great to hear that they are getting such good training. I am sure that it makes their job much easier, since they know what to do. I know that if I were to start driving trucks, I would want to make sure that my boss was experienced and knew how to run their business.
