Eye Opening Career Training

Eyes alert were needed to avoid an accident this week in the frigid weather throughout most of the country. Eye opening was one of the descriptions of our recent freight broker course.  The Dallas area had snow, blizzard, sleet and mayhem yet we had a great group of attendees at our Freight Broker Training Course.   A couple of our grad from this week’s class had some great things to say about their insightful week with us:
“Brooke Training was definitely eye opening and informative for those new to the industry and for those with industry experience.  I believe they have provided a great foundation to become an agent or potential broker. Instructors are very knowledgeable.  Bringing in guest speakers in the industry helped to provide us more insight to the wants and needs in the transportation industry.  Highly recommend the class for future students.

Attending Brooke’s Training School is not only learning about the freight brokerage, but also learning about life concepts and principals to be successful in the business.  Thanks Vinny for taking the time to show us the tools to not only be successful in the transportation business but also being able to use the process to improve in my personal life aspect as well. Definitely the best investment I ever made.  Thank you! “-- Nipphaphone Thammarong  

The class was very informative.  It has opened up my eyes on how much the transportation field is really needed.  The class taught me the difference in what a broker or broker agent can do.  And all sorts of information that the class has given me on how we can get a jump start on my business.  Thank you for the opportunity to take this class.  It has been a whole lot of learning experience. - Keo

We offer live classes monthly.  The class will teach you how to run a freight broker business from home or anywhere with internet access.  Every month I enjoy meeting the individuals who invest in themselves and their family by enrolling in the course.  We have a live class this week in Ontario, California, March 16-20 in Jacksonville, Fl then in Dallas, Fort Worth area March 23-27 then Charlotte, NC  April 13-17. For our full calendar see www.transportationtraining.com
Interested?  Give me a call at 214-206-1169.  No pressure, I’ll just talk with you a bit about my experience as a freight broker in the fast paced transportation industry.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach

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