Freight Broker Motivation

In our training we try to load our students up with motivation in becoming an excellent freight broker.  A key to being a success is staying inspired.  I am big fan of Zig Ziglar.  I use his quotes as words to live by.  I encourage my students, my friends, my family, my new acquaintance at Starbucks, well anyone who will listen, to heed Zig's wise advice.  Zig is no longer with us in body but he lives on with his legacy of great motivational quotes and his model of a life well lived.

So what are a few Zig words that are crucial to life and in being a great freight broker?

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough people get want they want."  Zig Ziglar

The key to finding success as a freight broker or freight broker agent is helping shippers get what they want. As well as helping carriers get what they want.  Shippers want their goods moved when they need, where they need at a price they need.  Carriers want their trucks full both to and from a destination and to be paid fairly in a timely manner.  That is freight brokering in a nutshell. 

A big component of a freight broker's job is listening to both sides and then negotiating a fair deal.  The first deal is the hardest because you haven't built up a reputation.  As you do a good job for one customer you will have confidence to move forward.  Your reputation in the industry is built one job at a time. 

Our tendency is to start the day thinking "what do I want today?"  According to Zig we should start the day thinking through who we can help get what they want.  Continue on the path of helping others and you will realize you have what you want. 

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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