A Truck Driver’s New Job

Robert, a laid off truck driver, gave me a call. His wife had found Brooke Transportation Training blog while helping her man in his search for a new career.  She gave Robert the number. Robert called me to ask me a lot of questions about our freight brokers classes. We had a great talk.  Here is his story:

“I’ve been a truck driver for 19 years.  For the past 6 years I have been a contract driver for the post office driving a route between distribution centers in Virginia.  The post office stopped my route in March.  This is the first time in my life I have been laid off.  The first time I have applied for unemployment. I could get another truck driving job but I would most likely have had to move.  With my post office route my wife and I were able to move out to some acreage and buy some ponies.  As a freight broker I will be able to work out of my ranch, take care of my ponies and be with my family.

I found the freight broker online training course through my local community college’s partnership with the online education company (Ed2go) that administers the course written by Brooke Training.  I researched it online.  It was perfect.  I could do all my work from home.  I have 6 months to complete the course but my plan is to finish in 2 months, get started and still have 4 months I can go back and review some of the things in the course. 

And I won’t even have to pay for the course.  My unemployment contact gave me a grant application.  If approved I won’t have to pay anything back.  

Ideally I want to be an independent freight broker but realistically I know I’ll need to be an agent for an established freight broker.  They’ll help me with cash flow, legalities and other expenses.  It is a low cost business to start. 

It is a little scary, but I’m looking forward to my new career“

Ready for a change this year?  Take our course live or online.  Education is empowering.  To view our online freight broker training course click:  http://www.ed2go.com/career/training-programs/freight-broker-training or join us for the live course in Dallas, California, North Carolina or Florida www.transportationtraining.com.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


1 comment:

  1. I admire the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer.
