Rookies and Pros

Both Rookies and pros get alot out of our training course.   Ricardo has been in the transportation industry for a decade and was pleasantly surprised by what he learned.  

"I have been in the transportation industry for over 10 years and I have to say I am so glad I took this course.  Excellent support, ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED.  A great experience.  You have to learn as much as you can about what you do and this definitely gave a great boost to my career. " Richardo T.

Vita is new to the industry and this is what she said;

"Not only did this class assure me that I made a good investment in my future, but was able to deliver the material in an easy to understand manner.  The course was not over paced and never made me feel I was wasting time with my questions.  I would recommend the class and to other people interest in this field.Vita P.

Freight brokering is a great career.  I have been in the industry for 3 decades now as a millionaire freight broker and as a trainer.  The job is fast paced and exciting.  The industry has changed but has always been a business that is in need.  No matter how the economy is going transportation of goods will never stop.  

We see a lot of building going on in Texas.  Building needs material so a great niche of the trucking industry right now is building materials.   

Come to one of our courses soon and learn that the sky is the limit with transportation training.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach 

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