Positively Dirty Job

It is midweek, so another week is on the downhill slide.  Have you achieved what you wanted for early in the week?  I purpose to get up on Mondays with energy and excitement for the week to come. I challenge myself to accomplish the hardest tasks I have first.  If I get some tough challenges behind me then I appreciate the easier tasks even more.  How do you approach a new week?  With excitement or dread.  No matter what you do for a living, all jobs have downsides but hopefully more upsides. 

So I meet Andre, a guy who has a job for which I would have trouble seeing an upside.  He shampoos dirty carpets.  I met him because he came to my house to take care of an especially disgusting job.    My dog had eaten something she shouldn't have.  I woke this morning to quite a big stinky mess all over my carpets.  I called the carpet cleaning company in a panic.  They sent Andre over within a few hours of my call.  He worked feverishly for several hours to get my carpets looking amazing.  He would stop every now and then and ask me to come have a look.  Any tiny spot I found he'd jump right on it and clean some more.  As he was cleaning my stairs his carpet cleaner fell apart.  He taped it back together a few times with duct tape but it was pretty useless.  He said he'd give me a discount for the few stairs he couldn't clean.  I said, "don't worry about it."  Well he couldn't do that.  He then finished up the stairs by hand with a brush.  In the course of a few hours I found out he had a very industrious entrepreneurial spirit.  He contracted for the carpet cleaner in the day and ran a janitorial service in the evenings.  He whistled while he worked up a sweat while cleaning.  He told me of the business books he is reading and of his billionaire mentor.  He said his mentor helped him get into his business because he saw a hardworking, honest man in Andre.   He inspired me to have a better attitude even when I have dirty jobs to take care of.

Next time I need my carpets cleaned you know I will be calling Andre.

The moral of this story is that when you go about your work with a positive attitude, others will want to  hire you again and again.  The positive attitude will make any job pleasant and will rub off on others. 

I have had some great conversations with freight broker students that will be coming to some of our upcoming classes.  I love having a training school.  It is great to see people with great attitudes about learning and growing professionally and personally.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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