
It is the time of the year to reflect on all that we are thankful for.  I am thankful to live in a country with so much freedom.  I am thankful for the pilgrims who braved the seas to come to this new world.  I am thankful for the Indians who welcomed the pilgrims.

Our country is an amazing place with so much opportunity.  This year we have had the opportunity to meet so many students who came to our class to better themselves by learning new skills.

I am so thankful for every student that chooses to spend time and money at our school.  I am humbled by our teachers who give of their time to invest in others.

I am so thankful for my family and their patience with me.  I have an amazing wife, three beautiful daughters, each with a nice young man, three granddaughters and three granddogs.  Now life could not be any sweeter than that.

I am thankful that I get to go fishing every now and then.  I am thankful to live in a home with a beautiful view of the lake.  I look out onto that lake as I work and am amazed by God's creation.

Every day brings challenges that can be frustrating or motivating.  I choose to be thankful for the rough patches along the way because they build up my perseverance.

Take some time to reflect on the blessings in your life.  Focus on the good and try to let go of the bad.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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