Meet Jill Hellwig, our Valued Guest Speaker

Today we’d like to introduce you to one of our valued guest speakers, Jill Hellwig. 

Every once in a while you meet someone who totally changes your perspective; someone who challenges you to think bigger, reach higher and bravely embrace change. Jill Hellwig is one of those people. 

Jill is a gifted author, inspirational speaker, and vision-driven coach who identifies, encourages and activates the dreams and talents of others. She has over 20 years of corporate, non-profit and community experience including fourteen years with Ziglar, Inc. 

Often exceeding quotas by more than 300%, Jill’s proven track record of success and achievement is surpassed only by her exceptional ability to translate those key principles unto others. 

In 2013 Jill started her own firm, Brand New U Coaching, an organization dedicated to empowering business owners, individuals, and families. This proprietary coaching system has now impacted literally hundreds of people to realize their limitless potential. Jill’s unique ability to communicate and touch each person individually, right where they are today, will leave you believing you can BE more, DO more and HAVE more.

Like all of us here at Brooke, Jill is passionate about helping others discover and live from their strengths so they can position themselves for success. We feel very fortunate to have the ability to expose Jill’s wisdom and expertise unto our students this week. Thank you, Jill! All of us, here at Brooke, are very appreciative of the time you spent with us and our students.  

Moving Forward,

Jeff Roach
Office: 214-206-1169
Cell: 817-897-0681

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