Monday is Memorial Day. Memorial Day was first observed to honor those who were killed in the Civil War when brother fought brother in that devastating war within our borders. Today Memorial Day is a remembrance of our service men and women killed in the line of duty anytime. As you enjoy some extra time with family don't forget why you have this extra time. Others who gave their life to secure our freedoms do not have time to enjoy with their family, just memories.
We are honored to work with alot of Disabled Vets retraining them for a new career in freight brokering. We can all learn so much from a service man or woman. They truly understand sacrifice and giving of them selves.
This holiday thank them for their service, say a prayer for families who have lost one in service and serve your family in a special way.
Enjoy your holiday.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
Cell: 817-897-0681
Office: 214-206-1169
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