Quality Counts

You have to offer quality service to be successful.  Let me repeat that, you HAVE to offer quality service to be successful.  Many will get by for a little while with deceptive ways but in the end those backed by integrity will get ahead.  The tortoise did beat the hare, in the end. 

Be the tortoise.  Take your time to set up your business with quality.  Take time to find a niche that fits with you.  Take time to pair up with a seasoned broker who will guide you along the tricky trails.  Take time to get to know the ends and outs of your client's business as much as possible.  Anticipate when they will need extra help and be prepared.  Get to know carriers who are trustworthy and fair.  Sometimes you will have to ask your carrier to go out of the way to complete a delivery.  You will need to have a good relationship with that carrier to ask them to go the extra mile.  And after a carrier helps you out be sure and return the favor as soon as is possible.

The more you understand both sides of the transaction the better you will be able to do business with them. 

Treat every load with care.  Care about the shippers time table.  Care about the truckers long haul.  Sometimes a load that seems inconsequential could turn into a long term shipper.  One load may turn into 100 loads.

Moving forward,

Jeff Raoch

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