A carpenter and his very pregnant wife had to travel across land on a donkey to be counted in the census. They arrive only find that all the hotel rooms had already been taken. The carpenter begged the inn keeper for any place to lay their head because his wife was so exhausted from the travel. The innkeeper allows them to sleep in the stable where everyone parked their mode of transportation.
A little baby was born to that carpenter and his wife that night. They named him Jesus. That was over 2000 years ago yet we still celebrate that birth in grand style today. Christmas is a time to celebrate the miracle of birth, the value of family and the abundant blessings we enjoy in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I am very thankful for my family, for my friends and for my business. I have the greatest job, meeting people with unique stories, hopes and dreams. I wish you the very merriest of celebrations during this special season. Choose to bless others with kindness this season and every season.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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